Since the Covid 19 lockdown it was not possible to meet the members personally since March 2020. Last month we had organized physical NTC at Katra, followed by NEC meeting. The NTC was organized by the North Zone under the leadership of dynamic Chairman Dr. Naveen Ratan guided by S/Shri D. K. Gandhi, Dy President, O. P. Shukla, Vice President (NZ ), Arvind Mishra, Jt. Secretary (NZ) and Sanjaykumar. I thank all of them for wonderful NTC. It was really a pleasure to see our members including Past Presidents and members of NEC in person.
We were fortunate to have a very good darshan and blessings from Vaishnodevi Mataji. All was well arranged.
Hon’ble Mr. Justice Vineet Saran, Judge SC gave inaugural speech and Hon’ble Mr. Justice Pradeep Mithal, Chief Justice of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh, High Court graced the conference as Guest of Honour. I thank both Hon’ble Judges to accept our invitation and for their motivational speech at NTC.
Slowly and steadily, we are coming out of pandemic covid 19 and the fear of third wave is reduced. Thanks to massive vaccination. I hope and pray the almighty GOD to keep all of us safe and let the world progress and recover from the pandemic.
The Padma Vibhushan Late Dr. Nani Palkhivala, Sr. Advocate, Memorial National Tax Virtual Moot Court and Research Paper Competition organized by the Western Zone is scheduled from 17th to 21st November 2021. I appeal the members to contribute by way of voluntary donation for this noble cause.
Our next NTC is at Pune from 11th to 12th November 2021 followed by NEC Meeting as well as 45th Foundation celebration hosted by the Western Zone. We have decided to felicitate on the day of celebration of 45th Foundation, at Pune, our National Past Presidents, Vice Presidents, Treasurers, Jt. Secretary and Zonal Chairmen for their sincere and dedicated contributions to the cause of the federation due to which the federation is recognized as one of the strongest voluntary National Association of Tax Professionals. I express my sincere thanks to Shri Kishor Vanjara to take the responsibility as Chairman of the 45th Foundation Celebration Committee along with Shri Vinayak Patkar as convenor. I appeal all our members to enroll in large numbers to make the function a grand success.
In the last NEC meeting at Katra, it was decided to hold AGM on 20th November 2021 on virtual platform for which link shall be sent by mail and the Ordinary General Body Meeting to elect NEC for the term 2022 and 2023 physically on 24th December 2021 at Lucknow followed by the 24th National Convention from 25th to 26th December 2021. I am sure the members will attend the convention in large numbers and will make it a grand success.
Dr. Ashok Saraf, Past President, is the Chief Election Officer and under his able guidance the election of Zones have taken place with the help of election officers smoothly. I congratulate all the elected members of the Zonal Committee for unanimous election in a cordial manner. I express my sincere thanks to all the election officers and the respective team of Zones for conducting election of Zonal Committee in a peaceful manner. I am sure likewise the election of the NEC for the term 2022 and 2023 shall be in a cordial and peaceful manner.
I wish all the members Happy Diwali and Prosperous, Healthy and Wealthy New Year.
Looking to meet you all at Pune in person.
Jai Hind
Place: Eluru
Dated: 19-10-2021
M. Srinivasa Rao
National President, AIFTP