Dear Members,

Please take notice that elections to National Executive body of AIFTP for 2020 & 2021 shall be held at Mumbai as per the schedule detailed as under:-


Proposed Date

Date of Notice


Availability of Nomination Form


Last Date of Filing Nominations


Scrutiny of Nomination Forms


Publication Valid Nominations


Withdrawal of Nominations


Declaration of Final List of Candidates


Date of Elections


Rule 6. Qualifications of the Office bearers and members of the national executive committee

The election/co-option as provided in rules 10(1), (2), (3) and (4) as a member of the National Executive Committee or any of the office bearers shall be subject to the following
qualifications :

1. Member of the National Executive Committee

Any individual life member or a representative of the association member that may be nominated in terms of rule 5(C)(ii), who is in practice of direct and/or indirect taxes for more than five years and who has been a member of the Federation for at least two years can file his/her nomination form for the election at the Ordinary General Meeting.


The term of the NEC elected in accordance with Rule 10 shall be two calendar years commencing from 1st day of January that follows the date of the election at the Ordinary General Meeting. Subject to other rules and regulations and the election rules framed by the National Executive Committee under rule 7, the general body at its ordinary general meeting shall elect not more than fifty (50) consenting members duly proposed and seconded, in the prescribed nomination form, to constitute a National Executive Committee of the Federation for the ensuing term of two calendar years commencing from the 1st January that follows the date for the ordinary general meeting.

Provided however that the number of members to be elected from each zone shall be determined in accordance with rule 7(3). The format of the prescribed nomination form along with the election rules shall be available with each zone office for the benefit of the existing eligible members.


1. The National Executive Committee shall arrange for the election of the members of the next Executive Committee, as and when an ordinary General Body meeting is called under Rule of the Constitution.

2. The National Executive Committee shall fix the date and the time up to which and the place or places where nominations for the purposes of the aforesaid election shall be received. If by the date and the time fixed by the National Executive Committee, no nominations are received or sufficient nominations to fill all the posts of the National Executive Committee are not received, nominations for all the posts, or nominations falling short for filling all the posts shall be called for at the time of the General Body meeting. In the latter case Chairman of the General Body meeting shall have all the powers to do the needful in the matter. Members can be nominated for election even in absentia.

3. If at the General Body meeting sufficient numbers of nominations are not forthcoming to fill all the posts on the National Executive Committee the General Body shall be entitled to empower the National Executive Committee to fill the vacancies by nominations at its subsequent meetings. Such nominations shall be in addition to co-option referred to in Rule 10(2).

4. Any life member and any representative nominated in terms of rule 5(c)(ii), shall be eligible to seek election to the National Executive Committee. His name shall be proposed and seconded by any member of the Federation.

“Provided further that it shall be the duty of the each Member of the National Executive Committee including office bearers to attend 50% or at least two meetings of the National Executive, whichever is less in a calendar year. The defaulting member shall not be eligible for election or nomination or co-option to be a NEC member in the next NEC.

*Provided that any member who have already opted to be on the Zone Managing Committee for the ensuing term shall not be eligible to file nomination for NEC. Requisite declaration shall be annexed with the nomination form.

5. If more nominations are received than the total number of posts on the National Executive Committee, there shall be election, unless any member withdraw his nomination/s before the announcement of voting at the General Body meeting, so that the total number of nominations are equal to or less than the total number of posts on the National Executive Committee.

6. *The Election Officer, after the expiry of the time notified for receiving the nomination forms, shall scrutinise all the forms and notify, all valid and invalid nominations with reasons for invalidity of any of the forms in the list, with the help of electronic media. He shall also announce the zonewise list of valid nominations alongwith the maximum number required to be elected in terms of Rules 7(3) and 14, “at least five days before the actual date of voting.”**

* Added on 24th December, 2016

** Added on 6th October, 2018

7. If on withdrawal of any nomination/s, all the posts on the National Executive Committee cannot be filled, the General Body shall be entitled to empower the next National Executive Committee to fill the vacancies as provided in Rule 3 of these Rules.

7A. *The members existing on the date of issue of the notice convening the AGM, will only be eligible to vote at the said meeting. Such list of members shall be made available by the Secretary General to the Election Officer.

*Any member admitted thereafter will not be eligible to vote at the election however he can attend and take part in the discussions on any other item on agenda of the AGM.

8. Election to the National Executive Committee shall be by secret ballot.

9. Chairman of the General Body meeting shall appoint one or more scrutinisers from amongst the members present at the Meeting or otherwise. The scrutiniser/s, so appointed, shall have all the powers to conduct the election and report the result thereof to the Chairman of the meeting.

10. Before the close of the General Body meeting, the result of the election shall be declared by the Chairman of the meeting.

* Added on 24th December, 2016

Ganesh Purohit
Chief Election Officer


October 25, 2019

NOTICE is hereby given that an Ordinary General Meeting as provided in Rule 10 of the Rules & Regulations of the All India Federation of Tax Practitioners will be held on Friday, the 13th December, 2019 at Khadayata Bhuvan, Plot No. 32, Hanuman Road, Near Parle English Medium School, Vile Parle (E), Mumbai – 400 057 (Maharashtra) at 3.30 p.m. to transact the following agenda as prescribed in Rule 8.


1. Welcome address and opening remarks by the President, Dr. Ashok Saraf.

2. To confirm the proceedings of previous OGM held on 1st December, 2017 at Jabalpur.

3. To elect 50 members to the National Executive Committee for the term 2020 & 2021 in accordance with Rule 7(3) read with Rule 10(1) & 10(2) and Rule 14 of the Rules & Regulations.

4. To receive the report of the Election Officer and declaration of election result.

5. To consider suggestions from the members in respect of rendering better service to the members and for overall progress of the AIFTP.

6. To transact any other business that may be raised with the permission of the Chair

For All India Federation of Tax Practitioners

Anand Kumar Pasari
Secretary General


1. At the National Executive Committee meeting held on 22nd June, 2019 at Tirupati, Shri Ganesh Purohit (Immediate Past President) is appointed as Chief Election Officer. The Chief Election Officer has already issued Notice for election in AIFTP Times for the month of October, 2019 at Page No. 4. The above notice is issued consequent to the Notice by the Chief Election Officer.

2. Copy of the updated Memorandum of Association and Rules and Regulations can be obtained from the Head Office at Mumbai or downloaded from Official website of the Federation

Members are requested to read the same before filing the nomination.

3. Nomination form can be downloaded from the website of the Federation or on request may be obtained from the Head Office at Mumbai from Monday, 11th November, 2019 onwards.

4. Nominations are hereby invited for the membership of National Executive Committee from all eligible members in terms of amended Rules 10(1), 10(1A), 10(1B) and 14 subject to numerical limit as provided in Rule 7(3) for each Zone. The number of members to be elected from each zone will have their contest amongst the candidates from that zone but all members from all zones will be eligible to vote for all the five zones.

5. Any member who have already opted to be on the Zonal Managing Committee for the ensuing term shall not be eligible to file nomination for NEC. Requisite declaration to this effect shall be annexed with the nomination form.

6. Nomination form duly filled in, affixed with photo, and requisite non-refundable deposit Cheque or confirmation of RTGS of ₹ 2000/-, duly proposed and seconded MUST REACH the registered office of the Federation on or before Monday, 2nd December, 2019 up to 5:00 p.m.

7. The Nomination Forms would be scrutinized by the aforesaid Election Officer on Tuesday, 3rd December, 2019 and would notify all valid and invalid nominations on the electronic media

8. Candidate may withdraw the nomination on or before Sunday, 8th December, 2019 up to 5.00 p.m. and Declaration of Final List of Candidates would be notified on the electronic media and conduct the election if warranted at Mumbai (Maharashtra) at the time of OGM on Friday, 13th December, 2019

9. As per clause 10(3) of the Constitution of the Federation, the Chairman of the respective zone shall be ex-officio member of the National Executive Committee. Hence Chairman elect is not required to file the nomination for the National Executive Committee.

10. The Chief Election Officer declares that as per the membership of respective zones as on 25th September, 2019 maximum number of candidates who can be elected to NEC as per rule 7(3) of the Constitution are as under:—


Members as on 25-10-2019

Entitlement (Max.)

Western –


Max. 16 members can be elected


Southern –



Northern –



Central –






Total –



11. As per Rule 10, clause 6 of the Constitution of the Federation, any individual life member or a representative of the Association member who is more than 5 years in practice and who has been a member of the Federation for at least two years can only file the nomination for NEC.

12. The National Executive Committee Meeting will be held once in three months at different places in the country, along with two-day conference. The Executive Committee Members have to bear personally the expenses of travelling, stay and delegate fees of the conference and also devote time for the welfare of the Federation. Persons of integrity and who can afford to spend time and money for the welfare of the profession are only requested to file the nomination. Please note that it is mandatory to attend at least 50% of NEC meetings in a year or else they shall not be entitled to file nomination for re-election to NEC.

13. The National Executive at its first meeting after election shall elect from amongst its members the following Office Bearers for one calendar year i.e. for the year 2020 only, (Rule 10 Clause 4 read with clause 6 read with amended Rule 11), however the term of National Executive will continue to be that of two calendar years as per Rule 14.

1. One President 2. One Deputy President 3. Five Vice Presidents (one from each zone)

4. One Secretary General 5. One Hon. Treasurer and 6. Five Hon. Joint Secretaries (one from each zone)

14. For further clarification the members may contact the Secretary General, Chairman of respective zone or Registered Office.

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