For law students, globalisation have impacted its land scope. Today service sector, which incidentally include professional services by Advocates and law graduates at different level, have contributed a major role in India's economy. That scenario favourable to all of you is the opportunity to grab it to your advantage by joining the bigger power house and actively participating as a practising Advocate. Sky is the limit for you but do not expect an instant jump to the top. If you have to go to 5th floor in a building without lift you will have to necessarily climb to each floor one after the other. You have to strive for reaching at the destination i.e. to the top; with the help and encouragement of some senior in profession. Experience is something which cannot be transferred by senior to junior; that has to be gained by attending the court of law regularly. Please do not succumb to the attractive offers to lure you, by corporate sector. Remember Employment is Nokari – should always be avoided. That will suffocate you. Always Believe in God given Computer rather that manmade one.
Moot courts are an integral part of law Students' learning process. It prepares students for working in similar to real court conditions. The lawyers' skills, professional ethics, confidence and advocacy that they acquire in the process will keep all participants in good stead in their life and professional career. Whenever you are free do visit any court of law. In India, all courts are open to public. On visit try to learn manner in which, the arguments are exchanged between two sides.
Moot court competition is an ideal platform for all of you to attempt tacking the intricacies and complexity of the law in hand. Today a case, based on a decided case by the Supreme Court, is placed for arguments in favour and against the ill effects of Dowry System, ill treatments to ladies and suicides etc. Present legal education is not mere reading of the books. Participation in Moot court of this nature will help you to analyse legal issues and learn the practical side of the profession. The legal profession today is in need of youngsters driven by high moral principles and carry forward the legacy
handed down by seniors; in practice present and past.
I am sure and confident that after participating in this Moot court, you all will develop advocacy skills, attain new insights on the subject in particular and art of practicing in court in general. Some of you will be leading
advocates in future churned out of today competition.
I conclude with a note of satisfaction that the future of legal profession is very bright.
[Source: Speech delivered at the 6th Five Years
Law Course Competition on 3rd September, 2016 at Jaipur]