A | |
A.C.J. | Accident Claims Journal |
A.C.C. | Accident & Compensation Cases |
A.J.R. | Accident Judicial Report |
A.T.C. | Administrative Tribunal Cases |
A.T.J. | Administrative Tribunal Judgments |
A.T.L.T. | Administrative Tribunal Law Times |
A.T.R. | Administrative Tribunal Reporter |
A.H.C.R. | Agra High Court Reports |
A.M.L.J | Ajmer Marwar Law Journal |
All.E.R. | All England Law Reports |
A.I.C.L.J | All India Civil Law Judgments |
A.I.C.D | All India Criminal Decision |
A.I.H.C.C. | All India High Court Cases |
Al.L.L.R. | All India Land Law Reporter |
A.I.R. | All India Reporter |
A.I.R.S.C.W. | All India Reporter Supreme Court Weekly |
A.I.T.C. | All India Tribunal Cases |
All. A.C. | Allahabad Appeal Cases |
All. C.J. | Allahabad Civil Journal |
All. Cr.C. | Allahabad Criminal Cases |
All. Cr.L.J. | Allahabad Criminal Law Journal |
All. Cr.R. | Allahabad Criminal Reports |
All. Cr.R. | Allahabad Criminal Rulings |
All. Serv. Rep. | Allahabad India Services Reports |
All. L.J. | Allahabad Law Journal |
A.L. J.R. | Allahabad Law Journal Reports |
All. L.R. | Allahabad Law Reports |
All. L.T. | Allahabad Law Times |
All. L.W. | Allahabad Law Weekly |
A.R.C. | Allahabad Rent Cases |
All. Tax J. | Allahabd Tax Judgments |
All. W.C. | Allahabad Weekly Cases |
All. W.N. | Allahabad Weekly Notes |
All. W.R. | Allahabad Weekly Reporter |
A.J.C.L. | American Journal of Comparative Law |
A.J.I.L. | American Journal of International Law |
A.J. | American Jurisprudence |
A.L.R. | American Law Reports |
Am.L.R. | American Law Review |
A.P.L.J. | Andhra Pradesh Law Journal |
A.L.T. | Andhra Law Times |
A.W.R. | Andhra Weekly Reporter |
A.D. | Apex Decisions |
A.T.R. | Arbitration and Trade Mark Law Reporter |
Arb. J. | Arbitration Journal |
A.L.R. | Arbitration Law Reporter |
Assam L.R. | Assam Law Reports |
Austr. L.J. | Australian Law Journal |
B | |
B.C. | Banking Cases |
B.C.L.R. | Banking Commercial Law Reporter |
B.I.S.J. | Banking Important & Selected Judgments |
Bank. L.J. | Banking Law Judgments |
B.J. | Banker’s Journal |
B.L.R. | Bengal Law Reports |
B.B.C.J. | Bihar Bar Council Journal |
B.Cri.C. | Bihar Criminal Cases |
B.L.J. | Bihar Law Judgments |
B.L.J.R. | Bihar Law Journal Reports |
B.L.T. | Bihar Law Times |
B.R. | Bihar Reports |
B.R.L.J. | Bihar Revenue and Labour Journal |
B.C.R. | Bombay Cases Reporter |
B.C.C. | Bombay Criminal Cases |
B.H.C.R. | Bombay High Court Reports |
B.H.C.Cr.R. | Bombay High Court Criminal Rulings |
B.L.R. | Bombay Law Reporter |
Bom. P.J. | Bombay Printed Judgments |
Bom. R.C. | Bombay Rent Cases |
B.T.L. | British Tax Library |
B.T.R. | British Tax Review |
B.Y.I.I. | British Yearbook of International Law |
B. L.R. | Building Law Reports |
Bur. L.R. | Burma Law Reports |
Bur. L.T. | Burma Law Times |
C | |
Cal. H.C.N. | Calcutta High Court Notes |
Cal. L.J. | Calcutta Law Journal |
Cal. L.R. | Calcutta Law Reports |
Cal. L.T. | Calcutta Law Times |
Cal. Tax C. | Calcutta Tax Cases |
Cal. W.N. | Calcutta Weekly Notes |
Cal. L.R. | California Law Review |
C.L.J. | Cambridge Law Journal |
Can. B.R. | Canadian Bar Review |
C.P.L.R. | Central Provinces Law Reports |
Ch.C.C. | Chandigarh Civil Cases |
Ch.Cr.C. | Chandigarh Criminal Cases |
Ch.L.R. | Chandigarh Law Reporter |
Ch.L.R. (Cr.) | Chandigarh Law Reporter (Criminal) |
Civ. App. J. (SC) | Civil Appeals Judgments (Supreme Court) |
C.C.C. | Civil Court Cases |
Civil C.R. | Civil Court Rulings |
Civil L.J. | Civil Law Journal |
C.L.T. | Civil Law Times |
C.M.L.J. | Civil and Military Law Journal |
Col. L.R. | Columbia Law Review |
C.M.L.R. | Common Market Law Reports |
Com. C. | Company Cases |
C.L.J. | Company Law Journal |
Com. N.R. | Company News and Reports |
C.L.P. | Competition Law in Practice |
C.M.L.R. | Common Market Law Reports |
Const. L.J. | Construction Law Journal |
Con. L.R. | Construction Law Reports |
C.C.J. | Consumer Claims Journal |
C.P.C. | Consumer Protection Cases |
C.L.J. | Consumer Law Journal |
C.L.T. | Consumer Law Today |
C.P.J. | Consumer Protection Judgments |
C.P.R. | Consumer Protection Reporter |
C.T.J. | Consumer Protection & Trade Practices Journal |
C.P.L. | Conveyancer & Property Lawyer |
Co-op. L.J. | Co-operative Law Journal |
C.L.R. | Co-operative Law Reporter |
Co-op. T.D. | Co-operative Tribunal Decisions |
C.T.J. | Co-operative Tribunal Journal |
Cornell L.Q. | Cornell Law Quarterly |
C.L.A. | Corporate Law Adviser |
C.J.S. | Corpus Juris Secundum |
Crimes | Crimes |
C.A.D. | Criminal Appeals Decision |
C.A.R. | Criminal Appeal Reports |
Cri. C. | Criminal Cases |
Cri. L.C. | Criminal Law Cases |
Cri. L.J. | Criminal Law Journal |
C.L.L. | Criminal Law Library |
Cri. L.R. | Criminal Law Reporter |
Cri. L.R. (Raj.) | Criminal Law Reports (Rajasthan) |
Cri. L.R. | Criminal Law Review |
Cri. L.T. | Criminal Law Times |
C.P.S. | Criminal Practice Series |
Cr. R. | Criminal Ruling |
C.C.L. | Current Central Legislation |
Cur.C.C. | Current Civil Cases |
C.C.J. | Current Civil Law Judgments |
Curr. C.C. | Current Criminal Cases |
Curr. Cr. J. | Current Criminal Judgments |
C.C.J. | Current Criminal Journal |
C.C.R. | Current Criminal Reports |
C.I.S. | Current Indian Statutes |
C. Lab. R. | Current Labour Reporter |
C.L. | Current Law |
Cur. L.J. | Current Law Journal |
Curr. L.J. (Civ.) | Current Law Journal (Civil) |
Cur. L.J. (Cri.) | Current Law Journal (Criminal) |
C.L.R. | Current Law Reports |
C.L.P. | Current Legal Problems |
Cur. S.N.R. | Current Sales Tax News and Reports |
C.S.J. | Current Service Journal |
C.T.R. | Current Tax Reporter |
Cut. L.R. | Cuttack Law Reports |
Cut. L.T. | Cuttack Law Times |
Cut. W.R. | Cuttack Weekly Reports |
D | |
D.L.R. | Delhi Law Review |
D.L.T. | Delhi Law Times |
D.L. | Delhi Lawyer |
D.R.J. | Delhi Reported Judgments |
D.R.J. | Delhi Rent Judgments |
D.M.C. | Divorce & Matrimonial Cases |
D.E.C. | Doabia’s Election Cases |
E | |
East Cri. C. | Eastern Criminal Cases |
E.S.C. | Education & Service Cases |
East L.R. | Eastern Law Reporter |
E.L.R. | Environment Law Reports |
E.L.R. | Election Law Reports |
E.C.C. | Essential Commodities Cases |
E.L.J. (L.S.) | Epitomised Legal Judgments (Labour & Service) |
E.H.R.R. | European Human Right Reports |
E.I.T. | Ex-lmp. Times |
E.F.R. | Excise & Food Adulteration Reports |
E.C.C. | Excise and Customs Cases |
E.C.R. | Excise and Customs Reporter |
E.L.T. | Excise and Law Times |
E.T.R. | Excise Tribunal Reporter |
F | |
F.J.R. | Factories Journal Reports (Indian Factories Journal) |
F.L.R. | Factories and Labour Reports (Indian) |
F.L.L. | Family Law Library |
F.P.S. | Family Practice Series |
F.C.R. | Federal Court Reports |
F.L.J. | Federal Law Journal |
F.S.R. | Fleet Street Reports |
F.A.C. | Food Adulteration Cases (Prevention of) |
F.A.J. | Food Adulteration Journal |
F.I.I.P.L.P. | Fordham International Intellectual Property Law & Policy |
For. L.R. | Fordham Law Review |
F.I.A.S. | Foreign Investment in Asia Series |
G | |
Gau. L.R. | Gauhati Law Reporter |
Goa L.T. | Goa Law Times |
G.C.S.L. | Greens Concise Scots Law |
G.P.L. | Greens Practice Library |
Guj. Cri. R. | Gujarat Criminal Reporter |
Guj. H.C.R. | Gujarat High Court Reporter |
G.L.H. | Gujarat Law Herald |
G.L.R. | Gujarat Law Reporter |
G.C.S. | Gujarat State Current Statutes |
H | |
Halsbury | Halsbury’s Laws of England |
Harv. B.R. | Harvard Business Review |
Harv. L.R. | Harvard Law Review |
H.R.R. | Haryana Rent reporter |
H.L.J. | Hastings Law Journal |
H.C.J. | High Court Judgments (Hindi) |
Him. L.R. | Himachal Law Reporter |
H.L.R. | Hindu Law Reporter |
I | |
Ill. L.R. | Illinois Law Review |
I.T.A.T.R. | Income-Tax Appellate Tribunal Reporter |
I.T.C. | Income Tax Cases |
I.T.J. | Income Tax Journal |
I.T.R. | Income Tax Reports |
I.T.T.C. | Income Tax Tribunal Cases |
I.T.T.D. | Income Tax Tribunal Decisions |
I. Adv. | Indian Advocate |
I.A. | Indian Appeals |
I.C. | Indian Cases |
I.B.R. | Indian Bar Review |
I.J.I.L. | Indian Journal of International Law |
I.J.R. | Indian Judicial Reporter |
Ind. J. | Indian Jurist |
I.L.R. | Indian Law Reports |
I.T.M. | Indian Tax Mirror |
I.C.R. | Industrial Court Reporter |
I.S.J. (Banking) | Important and Select Judgments (Banking) |
I.C.A.S. | Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland |
I.B.N.G. | International Business Negotiating Guides |
I.P.L.S. | Insurance Practitioners Library Series |
I.P.G. | Intellectual Property Guides |
I.P.L. | Intellectual Property Library |
I.P.P. | Intellectual Property in Practice |
I.C.L.Q. | International and Comparative Law Quarterly |
I.B.L. | International Business Lawyer |
Int. L.R. | International Law Reporter |
I.S.E. | International Student Edition |
J | |
Jab. L.J. | Jabalpur Law Journal |
J.L.R. | Jaipur Law Reports |
J & K L.R. | Jammu & Kashmir Law Reports |
J.B.L. | Journal of Business Law |
J.C.C. | Journal of Criminal Cases (Delhi) |
J.D.R. | Journal of Disputes Resolution |
J.I.L.I. | Journal of Indian Law Institute |
J.I.A. | Journal of International Arbitration |
J.I.L. | Journal of International Law (Indian) |
J.P.E.L. | Journal of Planning & Environment Law |
J.S.C.T.L. | Journal of Shipping Customs and Transport Laws |
J.S.P.T.L. | Journal of the Society of Public Teachers of Law |
J.T. | Judgment Today |
K | |
K.L.C. | Karnataka Law Chronicle |
K.L.J. | Karnataka Law Journal |
K.L.T. | Karnataka Law Times |
Kant. Serv. L.J. | Karnataka Service Law Journal |
Kash. L.J. | Kashmir Law Journal |
Ker. L.J. | Kerala Law Journal |
Ker. L.R. | Kerala Law Reports |
K.L.T. | Kerala Law Times |
L | |
Lab. A.C. | Labour Appeal Cases |
L.L.J. | Labour Law Journal |
L.I.C. | Labour and Industrial Cases |
L.L.N. | Labour Law News |
L.L.R. | Labour Law Reporter |
Lahore L.J. | Lahore Law Journal |
Lah. L.T. | Lahore Law Times |
L.A.C.C. | Land Acquisition and Compensation Cases |
Land L.R. | Land Law Reporter |
L.S. (A.P.) | Law Summary Andhra Pradesh) |
L.J.R. | Latest Judicial Reports |
L.S.G. | Law Societies Gazette |
L.T. Jour. | Law Times Journal |
L.T. | Law Times Reports |
L.Q.R. | Law Quarterly Review |
L.W. (Cr.) | Law Weekly (Criminal) |
Lawyers | Lawyers |
L.U. | Lawyers Update |
Luck. L.J. | Lucknow Law Journal |
L.L.T. | Lucknow Law Times |
M | |
M.B.L.J. | Madhya Bharat Law Journal |
M.D.L.R. | Madhya Bharat Law Reporter |
M.P.C. | Madhya Pradesh Cases |
M.P.L.J. | Madhya Pradesh Law Journal |
M.P.L.T. | Madhya Pradesh Law Times |
M.P.R.C.J. | Madhya Pradesh Rent Control Journal |
M.P.W.R. | Madhya Pradesh Weekly Reporter |
M.Cr.C. | Madras Criminal Cases |
Mad. H.C.R. | Madras High Court Reports |
M.L.J. | Madras Law Journal |
M.L.T. | Madras Law Times |
M.L.W. | Madras Law Weekly |
M.L.W. (Cri.) | Madras Law Weekly (Criminal) |
M.W.N. | Madras Weekly Notes |
Mah. Cri. R. | Maharashtra Criminal Reporter |
Mah. L.J. | Maharashtra Law Journal |
Mah. L.R. | Maharashtra Law Reporter |
Mah. R.C.J. | Maharashtra Rent Control Journal |
Malayan L. J. | Malayan Law Journal |
Marr. L.J. | Marriage Law Journal |
Marwar L.R. | Marwar Law Reporter |
M.L.R. | Matrimonial Law Reporter |
M.Q. | Mediation Quarterly |
Me. U.L.R. | Melbourne University Law Review |
Mer. L.R. | Mercantile Law Reporter |
Mch. L.R. | Michigan Law Review |
Minn. L.R. | Minnesota Law Review |
M.L.R. | Modern Law Review |
M.L.S. | Modern Legal Studies |
Moo. Ind. App. | Moore’s Indian Appeals |
Moo. P.C.C. | Moore’s Privy Council Cases |
M.C.C. | Municipalities and Corporation Cases |
Mun. L.J. | Municipal Law Journal |
Mys. H.C.R. | Mysore High Court Reports |
Mys. L.J. | Mysore Law Journal |
Mys. L.R. | Mysore Law Reports |
N | |
N.L.J. | Nagpur Law Journal |
N.L.R. | Nagpur Law Reports |
N.L.J. | New Law Journal |
N.Y.U.L.R. | New York University Law Review |
O | |
Ohio S.L.J. | Ohio State Law Journal |
Orissa Cri. R. | Orissa Criminal Reports |
O.J.D. | Orissa Judicial Decisions |
O.L.R. | Orissa Law Reporter |
Oudh. Case | Oudh. Cases |
Oudh. L.J. | Oudh. Law Journal |
Oudh. L. R. | Oudh. Law Reports |
Oudh. S.C. | Oudh. Select Cases |
Oudh. W.N. | Oudh. Weekly Notes |
P | |
Pak. L.D. | Pakistan Legal Decisions |
P.S.G.I.A. | Parker School Guides to International Arbitration |
P.H.B. | Parliament House Book |
P.T.C. | Patents and Trade Mark Cases |
P.T.R. | Patent and Trade Mark Reporter |
Pat. L.J. | Patna Law Journal |
P.L.J.R. or Pat. L.J.R. | Patna Law Journal Reports |
Pat. H.C.C. | Patna High Court Cases |
P.L.T. | Patna Law Times |
P.L.W. | Patna Law Weekly |
Pat. W.N. | Patna Weekly Notes |
Pepsu L.R. | Pepsu Law Reports |
P.I.P. | Perspectives on Intellectural Property |
PRP. J.H.R. | PRP Journal of Human Rights |
P.F.A.J. | Prevention of Food Adulteration Journal |
P.C.L. | Property and Conveyancing Library |
P.L.J. | Punjab Law Journal |
P.L.J. (Cri) | Punjab Law Journal (Criminal) |
P.L.R. | Punjab Law Reporter |
P.L.R. (D) | Punjab Law Reporter (Delhi) |
Pun. Re | Punjab Records |
P.W.R. | Punjab Weekly Reporter |
R | |
Raj. Cri. C. | Rajasthan Criminal Cases |
Raj. L.R. | Rajasthan Law Reporter |
R.L.W. | Rajasthan Law Weekly |
R.C.S. | Rajasthan State Current Statutes |
R.L.R. | Rajdhani Law Reporter |
Rang. L.R. | Rangoon Law Reports |
Rec. C.R. | Recent Criminal Reports |
R.R.R. | Recent Revenue Reports |
R.S.J. | Recent Service Judgment |
R.C. | Rent Cases |
R.C.J. | Rent Control Journal |
R.C.R. | Rent Control Reporters |
R.L.R. | Rent Law Reporter |
R.P.C. | Report of Patent Cases |
R.D. | Revenue Decision |
R.L.R. | Revenue Law Reporters |
Rev. Rul. | Revenue Rulings |
S | |
S.T. Aff. | Sales Tax Affairs |
S.T.C. | Sales Tax Cases |
S.T.I. | Sales Tax Interpretation |
S.T.J. | Sales Tax Journal |
S.T.L. | Sales Tax Literature |
S.T.T.D. | Sales Tax Tribunal Decisions |
S.T.R. | Sales Tax Rulings |
Sau. L.R. | Saurashtra Law Reporter |
Scale | Scale |
S.L.T. | Scots Law Times |
S.U.L.I. | Scottish Universities Law Institute |
S.C.T. | Service Cases Today |
Ser. L.C. | Service Law Cases |
S.L.J. | Service Law Journal |
S.L.R. | Service Law Reporter |
S.L.W.R. | Service Law Weekly Reporter |
Sikkim L.J. | Sikkim Law Journal |
Sim. L.C. | Simla Law Cases |
Sim. L.J. | Simla Law Journal |
Sind. L.R. | Sind Law Reporter |
S.P.J. | Speed Post Judgments |
S.L.S. | Socio Legal Series |
S.J. | Solicitor’s Journal |
S.A.L.J. | South African Law Journal |
Sri. L.J. | Srinagar Law Journal |
Stan. L.R. | Stanford Law Review |
S.C.C. | Supreme Court Cases |
S.C.C. (Cri.) | Supreme Court Cases (Criminal) |
S.C.C.(L & S) | Supreme Court Cases (Labour & Service) |
S.C.C. (Tax) | Supreme Court Cases (Taxation) |
S.C.C.R. | Supreme Court Criminal Rulings |
S.C.D. | Supreme Court Decisions |
S.C.F.B.R.C. | Supreme Court and Full Bench Rent Cases |
S.C.J. | Supreme Court Journal |
S.C.N. | Supreme Court Notes |
S.C.R. | Supreme Court Reports |
S.C.S.T.J. | Supreme Court Sales Tax Judgments |
S.C.W.R. | Supreme Court Weekly Reporter |
Supreme | Supreme Today |
Suth. W.R. | Sutherland’s Weekly Reporter |
T | |
T.N.L.J. | Tamil Nadu Law Notes Journal |
Tas. L.R. | Tasmania Law Review |
Tax Affairs | Tax Affairs |
Tax Dec. (SC) | Tax Decisions (Supreme Court) |
T.S. | Tax Saver |
Taxation | Taxation |
Taxman | Taxman |
T.T.J. | Tax Tribunal Judgment (All India) |
Tax. L.R. | Taxation Law Reports |
T.A.C. | Transport and Accident Cases |
Trav. Co. L. R. | Travancore-Cochin Law Reports |
Trav. L.J. | Travancore Law Journal |
Tex. L. R. | (University of) Texas Law Review |
Tul. L.R. | Tulane Law Review |
U | |
U.S.S.C.R. | U.S. Supreme Court Reports |
Um. N.N.P. | Uchchatam Nyayalaya Nirnaya Patrika |
Uch. N.N.P. | Uchcha Nyayalaya Nirnaya Patrika |
U.P.L.R. | University of Pennsylvania Law Review |
U.C.R. (Bom.) | Unreported Cases Reporter (Bombay) |
U.J. (S.C.) | Unreported Judgments (Supreme Court) |
U.P. Cri. C. | Uttar Pradesh Criminal Cases |
U.P.C.D. | Uttar Pradesh Criminal Decisions |
U.P. Cri. L.C. | Uttar Pradesh Criminal Law Cases |
U.P. Cri. L. R. | Uttar Pradesh Criminal Law Reports |
U.P. Cri. R. | Uttar Pradesh Criminal Rulings |
U.P.L.R. | Uttar Pradesh Law Reports |
U.P.C.T. | Uttar Pradesh Criminal Tribune |
U.P.L.B.E.C. | Uttar Pradesh Local Bodies & Educational Cases |
U.P.R.C.C. | Uttar Pradesh Rent Control Cases |
U.P.R.J. | Uttar Pradesh Rent Journal |
U.P.S.C. | Uttar Pradesh Service Cases |
U.P.R.C. | Uttar Pradesh Revenue Cases |
U.P.R.J. | Uttar Pradesh Revenue Judgments |
U.P.S.T.J. | Uttar Pradesh Sales Tax Journal |
U.P.T.C. | Uttar Pradesh Tax Cases |
V | |
V.K.N. | Vikraya Kar Nirnaya |
W | |
W.L.C. | Weekly Law Cases (Raj.) |
W.L.N. | Weekly Law Notes |
Writ L.R. | Writ Law Reporter |
Y | |
Yale L. J. | Yale Law Journal |
Y.C.A. | Yearbook of Commercial Arbitration |
Y.W.A. | Yearbook of World Affairs |